Additional Support Services

Crisis Support and Helplines
Emergency Call an ambulance if someone has already taken steps to end their life. Call the police if there is a risk of immediate harm to someone.
Call an ambulance if someone has already taken steps to end their life. Call the police if there is a risk of immediate harm to someone,
NHS Non-emergency help quickly, when GP is closed. A national nurse-led helpline providing medical help 24/7.
Non-emergency help quickly, when GP is closed. A national nurse-led helpline providing medical help 24/7.
Connect Emotional support and information for people in distress who live in Leeds.
Emotional support and information for people in distress who live in Leeds.
Leeds Crisis Team For everyone aged 18 and over in Leeds; for those experiencing acute mental health problems that may pose a risk to themselves or others and require assessment that day or within 72 hours.
For everyone aged 18 and over in Leeds; for those experiencing acute mental health problems that may pose a risk to themselves or others and require assessment that day or within 72 hours.
Dial House A sanctuary for people in Leeds experiencing an acute mental health crisis, as an alternative to hospital admission.
A sanctuary for people in Leeds experiencing an acute mental health crisis, as an alternative to hospital admission.
Leeds Women’s Aid For anyone in Leeds wanting immediate advice, support, and information.
For anyone in Leeds wanting immediate advice, support, and information.
Samaritans Confidential, emotional support for anyone in crisis.
Confidential, emotional support for anyone in crisis.
Rape Crisis England and Wales Rape Crisis England & Wales is the umbrella body for a network of independent Rape Crisis Centres.
Rape Crisis England & Wales is the umbrella body for a network of independent Rape Crisis Centres.
Cruse Bereavement Care Offering support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies.
We offer support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) For men - movement against male suicide.
For men - movement against male suicide.
Respect Mens Advice Line Support for male victims of domestic violence.
Support for male victims of domestic violence.
Well-Bean Hope in a Crisis Café Offers a safe and confidential space for people (16+) experiencing crisis in Leeds.
Offers a safe and confidential space for people (16+) experiencing crisis in Leeds.
Hopeline UK (Papyrus) For people under 35. Confidential service offering support, practical advice and information to anyone concerned that a young person they know may be at risk of harming themselves. No need to provide name or whereabouts.
For people under 35. Confidential service offering support, practical advice and information to anyone concerned that a young person they know may be at risk of harming themselves. No need to provide name or whereabouts.
SANELINE Out of hours mental health helpline offering emotional support, information and guidance for families and carers affected by mental illness.
Out of hours mental health helpline offering emotional support, information and guidance for families and carers affected by mental illness.
Age UK Advice line for older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals.
Advice line for older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals.
The Silver Line For people over 55. Free confidential helpline, friendship and advice.
For people over 55. Free confidential helpline, friendship and advice.
Refuge Domestic violence helpline service.
Domestic violence helpline service.
Leeds Oasis Leeds OASIS is a residential short-stay service for people in crisis.
Leeds OASIS is a residential short-stay service for people in crisis.
Drug and Alcohol Services
Alcoholics Anonymous Support with a drinking problem.
Support with a drinking problem.
Addaction Support for everyone to make positive changes with either drugs, alcohol or mental health and wellbeing.
Support for everyone to make positive changes with either drugs, alcohol or mental health and wellbeing.
Al-Anon Family Groups Support for anyone who has been affected by someone else’s drinking, regardless of whether that person is still drinking or not.
Support for anyone who has been affected by someone else’s drinking, regardless of whether that person is still drinking or not.
Cocaine Anonymous Help with a drug or alcohol problem.
Help with a drug or alcohol problem.
Drinkline People concerned about someone else’s drinking.
People concerned about someone else’s drinking.
Frank Confidential advice and drugs information.
Confidential advice and drugs information.
Adolescents & Young People
Childline For children and young people under 19. 1:1 counsellor chat or e-mail.
For children and young people under 19. 1:1 counsellor chat or e-mail.
Mind Mate Here to help young people in Leeds with their mental health and wellbeing.
For children and young people under 19. 1:1 counsellor chat or e-mail.
Leeds CAMHS Crisis
0800 953 0505
Freephone Crisis Call Line to support children and young people whatever the circumstances by listening, supporting, advising and signposting.
Freephone Crisis Call Line to support children and young people whatever the circumstances by listening, supporting, advising and signposting.
Safe Zone Crisis support for 11-17 year olds in Leeds.
Crisis support for 11-17 year olds in Leeds.
Teen Connect Emotional support and information for teenagers in Leeds.
Emotional support and information for teenagers in Leeds.
LGBTQ Services
LGBT Foundation Provide a wide range of support services to lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.
Provide a wide range of support services to lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.
LGBT Support Group This group is a safe supportive space where you can be with other people who have lived experiences of LGBT issues.
This group is a safe supportive space where you can be with other people who have lived experiences of LGBT issues.
MindOut Online Support LGBTQ mental health service.
LGBTQ mental health service.
Useful Apps
Stay Alive A suicide prevention pocket resource for the UK. Offers help and support both to people with thoughts of suicide and to people concerned about someone else. The app can be personalised to tailor it to the user and links to 14 UK helplines.
A suicide prevention pocket resource for the UK. Offers help and support both to people with thoughts of suicide and to people concerned about someone else. The app can be personalised to tailor it to the user and links to 14 UK helplines.
Support Groups
Andy’s Man Club Group tackling men’s mental health issues and encourage men to open up and talk. Meets every Monday evening in a variety of locations.
Group tackling men’s mental health issues and encourage men to open up and talk. Meets every Monday evening in a variety of locations.
Narcotics Anonymous Support for anyone that has a drug problem. Check website for groups in your area.
Support for anyone that has a drug problem. Check website for groups in your area.
Mindwell Leeds A list of all of the current support groups in Leeds for a whole host of different issues.
A list of all of the current support groups in Leeds for a whole host of different issues.
Online Support and Information If you are thinking about suicide read this first.
If you are thinking about suicide read this first.
Live Through This A collection of interviews with people who have survived a suicide attempt.
A collection of interviews with people who have survived a suicide attempt.
MIND Information about a variety of mental health issues.
Information about a variety of mental health issues.